Book Summary
"The Great Crash 1929" is a classic book by John Kenneth Galbraith, first published in 1955, that examines the events leading up to the stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent economic depression.
In the book, Galbraith provides a detailed analysis of the financial and economic conditions of the time, and the social and psychological factors that contributed to the stock market bubble and the eventual collapse.
Galbraith's book is widely regarded as one of the most influential works on the subject, and its insights and conclusions continue to be relevant to the study of financial history and economics today.
He argues that the crash was not simply a result of irrational speculation, but was also fueled by a flawed economic system and misguided policies.
The book's emphasis on the importance of financial regulation and the need for a stable and equitable economic system has had a lasting impact on economic and political discourse.
Galbraith's writing is engaging and accessible, with a dry wit and a gift for clear and concise explanation.
His ability to distill complex economic concepts into simple and understandable terms has made "The Great Crash 1929" a classic not only among academics, but also among general readers interested in the history of finance and economics.